Friday, December 10, 2010

Well, fooey! We got the road in to a certain point, but things have grown up so much I couldn't be sure where we were. Timmy and Wayne went tramping around in the woods looking for a place that corresonded to my description, while I went back up to the house for an aerial photograph. When I came back, they said they had found it. They had indeed found a place with a lot of stumps that looked like old pulpwood choppings. But I don't understand it, because the place never seemed to change in the years I lived here, and now there's trees 15 feet tall at least. So I told Wayne go up to the highest part of the ridge, where it starts to go downhill toward the big brook, and work from there back towards the swamp. Then I went back to the house, but it was already after 3PM and, as early as it gets dark, I don't think he got very far.
Early this morning before it got light, it snowed, and more snow fell off and on through the day, so he won't be able to do more til it goes, which might not be til next spring, now. However, the road is there, now. I wish I could just walk around like I should be able to, and be sure of the location, but the spaces between the trees aren't all big enough to get through on the 4-wheeler.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Right now, as I type this, Wayne, the guy with the mulcher, is down in my woods, clearing the roadway into the place where I am going to plant the labyrinth! A very light dusting of snow fell last night, but nothing that will cause the machine any trouble. The temperature must be about freezing, but it is a clear, sunny day so far, with only a few clouds around the edges and it should warm up some. By some time this afternoon, barring breakdowns, it shoud be done.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I just went to the bank and deposited the money I have been making on lilac spoons. There were $201 I had accumulated over the past few weeks and $225 I took in in the last fair, so $426 altogether. That brings the total in the account to $2092.56. I had $395.34 to start with, so there is $1697.22 for the labyrinth, $1447.22 of which came from lilac spoons. Something must be worong with my figuring. Maybe that 22 cents came from interest, because I put all my prices in even dollars; it simplifies change-making. I think that all came from one lilac bush, too.

Monday, December 6, 2010

I have been away for a few days at a Christmas craft fair with my wooden spoons, so I will have some more to deposit in the labyrinth account, but I haven't added that up yet. Came back with some more lilac wood, too, given to me by a customer who had been going to burn it.
I told some of the customers who bought lilac spoons what their money was going to be used for and at least a couple said to let them know, because they would come walk it when it is done. I gave them the address of this blog where information like that will be posted.
I called the clearing guys again to see when they were going to come. That project has been on hold on account of snow, which apparently makes the mulcher machine choke on the chips, but the snow gradually disappeared during the last week and has been completely gone since last Thursday or Friday. Timmy said he had been going to call me tonight to tell me he talked to Wayne this morning who said he had started another job with his machine and wouldn't be free to come til Thursday. No snow is predicted this week, so I hope their prediction is accurate.